How To Dodge Maintenance Misunderstandings In Your HOA

Posted on June 24, 2016 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Misunderstandings are bound to happen every once in a while but there are ways to avoid them.  For instance, homeowners might assume the association is responsible for various maintenance items in the community only to find out differently once the maintenance needs to be performed.
Homeowners that go to the HOA website have a better understanding of where the responsibility falls before making the commitment to buy a home.  Yet, how can a homeowner be 100% sure they know what they are responsible for when addressing maintenance issues?
Read The CC&R’s
As a homeowner, designate time towards reading the CC&R’s of any homeowners association before purchasing a home.  These are the governing documents of the association where all the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures are set forth in great detail.  As expected, these documents have the potential to interfere with your happiness if you fail to fully understand them.
You, as the homeowner, are the one responsible for identifying the maintenance issues you are expected to cover.  Confirm the CC&R’s you receive a copy of are the most current even if the realtor confers with you about all the maintenance-related items in the HOA.  Then, relay all your questions or concerns to the homeowners association.  Generally, this yields a high level of clarity towards determining if a homeowners association is right for you and eliminates the chance of surprises in the future.
What Homeowners Association Is For You?
The HOA website offers homeowners the option of finding out about the direction of the association from a mobile device.  A homeowners association may not be for you if ever you think the CC&R’s are not fair in terms of outlining who is responsible on maintenance issues.  After reading the governing documents, it’s up to you whether or not you choose to accept living in a particular homeowners association.
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