HOA Website and Condo Website Blog

Posted on October 27, 2022 8:51 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners that live in an HOA are required to pay monthly dues or fees which the association uses to help pay for the upkeep and maintenance of all properties.  The amount is usually fixed but it can vary depending on square footage, community amenities, and much more.
The neighborhood website explains in detail that putting this money into the budget is expected by all community members to maintain and keep them running properly.  Below are the following ways how some homeowners associations make a profit.
Rentals On Common Areas
The most common and effective way an HOA makes money is by renting out common areas such as a pavilion or clubhouse.  Common areas are parts of the community that you don’t own but have access to since you belong to the HOA.  These areas include the swimming pool, boat docks, and picnic or grill spaces.  The rental fees are normally used to maintain the space and pay for expenses such as insurance and utilities.
Realtor Fees
An HOA is like a real estate board for the community.  When you buy a house, you will be charged realtor fees as part of the process.  If a homeowner is not planning on selling their house in the future, this will be one of the many expenses they have to pay annually.  However, if you decide to sell your house, this can be deducted from the sale price, thus earning the HOA more revenue.
Fines are a primary source of revenue for homeowners associations.  On the neighborhood website, you can find the HOA rules to know more about violations regarding parking and having an untidy yard.  All these fines are used to maintain the upkeep of common areas and shared amenities in the association.
Some homeowners associations do profit from the dues and successfully cover the costs of running their organization thanks largely to property taxes.  But, most HOA dues go towards expenses like cleaning services, code enforcement, and safety inspections.  Furthermore, a lot of the money that HOA's collect is used to cover costs and get a good sense of how much they’ll need to charge next year.
Posted on October 20, 2022 2:53 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
It takes more than just a desire for community involvement to serve on the homeowner’s association board.  The HOA website informs homeowners that board members will set the rules, enforce them, and decide where to spend HOA funds.  Some people who may want to be on the board are those who care about their neighborhood, have good communication skills, or those with leadership experience.  Here’s what it takes to become an HOA board member.
State Laws Regarding Board Members
If someone wants to join an HOA board, they must know the laws their specific state has in place with respect to board membership.  Generally, board members should ask what their duties are as a member and understand how they can be removed from that position.  It is also essential for them to know what repercussions can occur if they fail to perform their duties properly.
You might be surprised to find there are several restrictions that govern your HOA operations.  The HOA website goes into detail about how state laws will indicate which members can serve on the board and their limits.  Therefore, reviewing the governing documents will explain if you are eligible to be on the board.
When Residents Become Members
HOA’s are made up of an elected board that handles decisions about maintaining property and enforcing rules for residents.  Residents become members by buying property within the development so anyone living in these areas qualifies as a member.  Thus, to become a board member, most states make it a requirement for members to have documents that show they belong to certain communities.
Join With A Relative
Some states have rules that spouses can’t both serve on the same HOA board.  Other states might not rule it out but they require the couple to file a disclosure with the board so that other members have to decide if they are comfortable working in that environment.
It’s up to each HOA’s governing documents as to whether or not being related will disqualify a member from serving on the HOA board.  Even though there are states where it is legal for relatives to work together, the community might object as they consider it an overall poor decision.  To become a board member, one should know their state laws and be a resident or member of a certain community.
Posted on October 18, 2022 7:58 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Solar panels have been in widespread use for years, but the installation of solar panels on public property can be complicated.  The condo website indicates it is largely due to the fact that the owners of condominiums are legally responsible for any property damage that their panels cause.  This means they can’t install solar, even if they would love to, without also having to worry about getting rid of all their electricity.  Below are some possible requirements for installing solar panels in a condominium common area.
Licensed Contractor Installs Solar Panels
If you have solar panels installed in a condo building, the work must be completed by a licensed contractor.  The reason for this is that it could result in liability issues for you as the owner of an individual unit if an unlicensed contractor installs the panels.  However, a licensed contractor will provide all necessary warranties and insurance to cover any damage to the common areas.
Responsible For All Damages
It is the member’s responsibility to install solar panels on their roof to ensure that no damage will be caused to the common areas below.  The association shall not be liable for damages caused by the installation of solar materials, whether or not said damages are pre-existing or related to new construction.  The installation of solar panels could be an issue if there is roof damage due to weight, but it would not be an issue if there were only window or door damage due to improper installation or attachment.
A Member Pays For The Roof Survey
When installing solar panels in a condominium common area, having a survey performed beforehand is essential.  The reason for this is that the roof of the building needs to be adequately designed for installing solar panels without any potential hazards.  If problems are found before an installation, then there’s a good chance that they will only get worse after the install since there’s no room for changes.
Also, the survey will help members on the condo website understand how much usable area there is if they should decide to install solar in the future.  Installing solar panels in a condominium common area is not always the most straightforward task as different installation requirements depend on the building’s construction and specific location.  One aspect that condo owners need to be wary of before installing solar panels is the potential liability associated with it.
Posted on October 14, 2022 7:17 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Many homeowners have reported questionable activity in their HOA at some point as certain situations made them think there could be a threat in the community.  Report this activity on the community website as it can be helpful to other homeowners to know the details of these incidents.
Knowing what questions to ask and what information you should gather is important for HOA residents to be prepared for this type of situation going forward.  This guide will provide some direction for reporting such activity, ensuring that the homeowners association remains a safe place.
Check Your Facts & Report
When reporting activity that might be a problem, it’s essential to make sure you have the facts.  This means checking into the issue and knowing that a HOA rule has been broken or there’s a good reason to believe something isn’t right.  You want to report an issue that helps others feel like they are protected from outside threats, not start a rumor.
Report Your Complaint
You may have noticed that your HOA has someone on staff whose job is to handle these types of issues.  When in doubt, inform that person about the potential issue.  That way, you can be certain that your concern will be addressed appropriately.  Additionally, contact your local law enforcement agency so they know what’s going on.
Be Respectful & Courteous
There’s a chance that the person you believe is in violation of an HOA law could have permission, for this reason, always act in a professional and respectful manner.  Furthermore, on the community website, the Demographic and Health Surveys recommends that everyone respects the civil liberties, rights, and privacy of citizens by concentrating on behavior instead of appearance.
If you ever need to report questionable activity, think it through first and make sure you aren’t jumping to conclusions.  This guide is not legal advice, nor should it be construed as such.  It is simply a guide for reporting questionable activity in an HOA.
Posted on October 12, 2022 6:57 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
The HOA’s job is to protect property values and to make sure that the neighborhood is a desirable place to live.  That means maintaining and improving the exterior of each home, setting ground rules for shared spaces, enforcing the covenants, and making safety a priority.
As highlighted on the homeowners association website, though your HOA may not have an explicit parking rule, it still has every right to enforce parking rules as part of its other mandates.  There are many reasons why HOA’s do this and here are some of the most common ones.
Maintain Property Values
If a neighborhood has many cars parked along the street, it can detract from its overall aesthetic and make the neighborhood look less desirable.  But preventing cars from being parked on the street isn’t always about aesthetic, it might also be about safety.
If someone parks on the street and their car won’t start, this may block access for emergency responders, especially if there’s already limited space.  According to the homeowners association website, when it comes to city streets, associations do not have a right to force compliance since they do not own the streets.  However, they can enforce parking rules on private roads.
Prevent Unnecessary Loading & Unloading
In this case, it might be difficult to enforce this rule since most HOA’s don’t know who is using which home’s driveway.  But if it ends up being an issue for the HOA, it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to locate the cars in question.
While these rules may seem a bit strict, many neighborhoods can enforce parking rules without much trouble as they are in place for good reasons.  Depending on which state you live in and what authority the HOA has through their governing documents, they could have the final say in where residents and visitors are allowed to park.  If you aren’t sure, check the homeowners association website to learn more so you and others avoid any inconvenience!
Posted on October 5, 2022 2:57 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Halloween is a fun-filled time that many residents look forward to every October.  Whether you enjoy handing out candy during trick-or-treat or going to a costume party, there’s many reasons to be excited during this time.  Often though, the neighborhood website emphasizes there should be more focus on safety throughout this holiday.  Use these tips in your community to ensure everyone has a safe and fun Halloween each year.
Review The HOA Rules
Read your association’s regulations and guidelines on acceptable costume attire and conduct before deciding how to dress.  Some HOA’s have restrictions on costumes that may violate certain items or types of materials.
Plan your evening with these guidelines in mind, but note that some associations have no such policies governing them, so long as members follow local laws within the association.  If you intend to have a party, inform you neighbors well in advance so you can address their concerns early on and make any necessary changes to satisfy them.
Be Proactive About Parking
A few days prior, communicate with residents about common parking areas to find out if they will be hosting a party on the same night as you or if there could potentially be an overflow of vehicles in these areas.  Consider other options for guests who may not have a place to park within your planned area or ask the HOA where there is no parking restriction.
Make Sure Your Community Is Well-Lit
Creating a vibrant environment can encourage others in your community to join in on the fun.  Verify a few days beforehand that all your lighting is fully functional so guests of all ages feel comfortable on their way in or when returning home.  One resident shared on the neighborhood website that lighting along the walkways leading up to the house is a great option for the safety of your guests and trick-or-treaters.  With early preparation, you increase your chances of everyone being ready for Halloween this year.
Posted on October 3, 2022 7:30 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations have rules in place to provide a nice community and protect the value of all residents’ homes.  Throughout the year, there will be times when managers enforce those rules listed on the HOA website.  When this happens, some homeowners form a negative opinion of them, while others appreciate the manager doing their job.  Here are three ways that managers are viewed by residents in an HOA.
Enforces Rules & Guidelines
Typically, a homeowners association is created to oversee a residential community.  Over time, some homeowners may see their managers as a bad person considering they enforce all of these rules that people don’t like and keep them from doing what they want to do.
On top of this, some HOA’s have been known to get power-hungry where they throw around their weight with little to no oversight by surveying neighbors on petty issues such as new cars parked in the driveway.  The HOA needs to remember that stealthy tactical enforcement is a better way to enforce rules than to do it in a pushy way.
Catalyst Of Change
Managers are often seen as bad people in a homeowners association since they are thought of as the catalyst for change.  Even though it would be wrong to say that management is always treated poorly, there is no denying the fact that it is an adversarial position, especially when changes comes at everyone else’s expense.
For instance, when one homeowner complains about their neighbor on the HOA website, the manager will be tasked with informing them to follow the rules.  As a result, managers must continuously prove their value by finding ways to infuse new life into stagnant communities.
Bearer Of Bad News
Homeowners associations are usually founded on the idea that they are a form of community.  However, management companies have to break the bad news to members and hope to be viewed as objective go-between.  As a member of an HOA, it is crucial to know and follow the rules for the betterment of your neighborhood.
Posted on September 30, 2022 6:56 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowner associations are often tasked with maintaining the well-being of an entire neighborhood.  Thus, there will be important information stored on their databases.  These include lists on the homeowner association website, contact information for residents, financial data about the association; and records about the homes in the neighborhood.  Luckily, associations can take steps to ensure this data is not easily accessible to those that might be after it for personal gain.
The HOA’s Information Security Policy
With so much HOA data being frequently exchanged between members, associations must develop an information security policy to protect all data related to the HOA.  The board should provide a detailed explanation of what information is protected by law or regulation following the HOA’s regulatory requirements, which must be posted on the homeowner association website.
In particular, they should assess the current IT structure within the HOA and understand which vulnerabilities need to be addressed to provide adequate protection of the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.  They should also establish policies that address how data should be stored, who has access to it, and specify what happens if the system is hacked.
Review Security Laws & Regulations
HOA’s review applicable federal, state, and local laws to determine the scope of their obligation to protect key information.  Especially when protecting financial information, it’s crucial that the HOA only ask for what is necessary.  On the homeowner association website, it states there that if the HOA asks for your insurance information, they have to be sure that it is required by law.
Also, the homeowners association must ensure they only ask for the financial information needed.  If they request and store unnecessary or sensitive financial details, they could face legal liability in the event someone becomes careless with those details.  Like any other association, HOA’s have assets that need to be protected so enforce policies that protect valuable data from all threats as security must come from within.
Posted on September 22, 2022 8:52 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Fraudulent management is not only unethical but it’s also a concerning issue that has the potential to cripple your standard of living.  According to the community website, fraud involves falsifying documents or other deceptive practices in which a personal or financial gain occurs.
It can be extremely challenging to detect and avoid fraud; however, several methods can be utilized if you suspect an HOA board is fraudulent.  The following steps are a great guide to those who think their board may be guilty of deceitful acts and want to confirm their suspicion.
Collect & Report
Contact the authorities immediately if you have direct evidence of your HOA board committing fraud.  They will usually be alerted by the number of complaints that have been filed and conduct an investigation.  However, this is a situation where you must collect as much evidence as possible, such as documents and recordings, to assist with the investigation.  It is also advisable to take notes every time you have a conversation with board members as questions may be asked regarding their actions.
Review HOA Records
If you suspect there may be fraudulent activity, you can request that permission be granted to review all documents, especially financial documents like financial statements, budgets, and reserves.  On the community website, it claims you can access the association’s records through the Civil Code section even if you may not be one of the HOA board members.
Consult With An Attorney
Obviously, situations like this could require some legal action to be taken so make sure you consult with an attorney beforehand so you know all your options.  If you suspect your HOA is in violation of a state law that is unable to be resolved through the use of these methods, reach out to an attorney.  At the end of the day, the HOA board is protected by a set of governing documents so remember these steps when deciding on what you should do.
Posted on September 21, 2022 2:41 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
HOA WebsiteThe main goals of a homeowners' association are to help the community comply with architectural standards, manage community affairs, and collect dues. They also promote neighborhood spirit and ensure all members get crucial news and information. An HOA website is a credible tool to make communication and management easier. Here is a deeper look into five ways an HOA website can help your organization reach more community members.
Collect Fees and Dues on Time
Previously, HOA members used checks to pay dues, which took a long time to process. HOA websites ease the process by having simple online payment options. Receiving money electronically helps improve an organization's cash flow and facilitates timely payments. Members can save time by making payments online and reserving amenities without having to get in touch with a staff or board member.
Encourage Member Participation
Many residents don't make it to meetings for various reasons. A website enables the board to post minutes to enlighten residents who missed the meeting. Members have an opportunity to air their views and follow the proceedings online. Participation makes an HOA community great. According to statistics, HOA community homes are more valuable than non-HOA homes. In fact, in 2017, HOA community homes were valued at $5.88 trillion! Imagine how much of a difference your HOA can make in your community with proper participation.
Reduce the Cost of Mailing and Printing
Years ago, HOAs spent a lot of money on mailing and printing to manage all their members. Picture this: how much can an organization with hundreds of residents use to print materials and mail them? It costs a lot of money, but with HOA websites and email services, the community can reduce information transmission costs. The management can send reminders and important documents and update directories without printing costs.
Distribute Crucial Announcements
More than ever, community members want to know about events. HOA websites should have an online calendar and event scheduling to keep residents informed on what's happening. The board should also include links to parks, schools, and libraries to allow the free flow of information to members.
Promote Transparency and Engagement
A website serves as an HOA library, thus helping members access community guidelines and regulations. You can also encourage members to interact in discussions. In short, HOA websites act as windows that peer into what your organization offers, how it is managed, and what it does. This creates an environment of transparency where members can enjoy community get-togethers and participation.
Overall, an HOA website is the best investment for your association. It will save money and time, promote effective communication, and facilitate daily administrative tasks. Consult HOA Sites today if you need an easy-to-navigate website to showcase your governing documents, newsletters, FAQs, and more. Our team of experienced professionals understands the needs of the HOA community!
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