HOA Website and Condo Website Blog

Posted on August 28, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Newsletters are important to any homeowners association as they play a role in keeping homeowners informed and increase participation in HOA activities.  Together with social media and the HOA website, newsletters are a great way to raise awareness on issues that need more attention.  Some homeowners may be busy with daily life so take the necessary steps to ensure you create an attractive and informative newsletter.  This advice will guide you towards creating an appealing newsletter for your homeowners association.
Capture The Readers’ Attention

First, a newsletter must attract and captivate the reader.  In order to achieve this you should know what kind of people will be reading the information.  Since most homeowners are usually working adults, write and format your newsletter in a professional way to capture their attention.  Newsletters that are poorly formatted and contain casual language will likely be ignored by homeowners.
Content on the HOA website and in the newsletters should be written in a clear and simple format.  Avoid using jargon that readers may not be aware of as that can cause them to lose interest and stop reading the newsletter.  Instead, write in a direct way and use terminology all homeowners are familiar with so readers continue to read the newsletter every month.
Relay Useful Information

Obviously, the goal of the newsletter is to make sure it contains information that readers will find helpful.  Include information that homeowners want to know and incorporate an image or chart to present statistics.  Visual aids are effective towards keeping the reader interested and it enhances their understanding of your newsletter.
The last aspect to remember about newsletters is that most readers prefer them to be concise.  Ensure the newsletter is brief and avoid using harsh warnings, rules, or ultimatums.  If homeowners have participated in HOA activities, mention their name in the newsletter as this will make it more appealing to read and encourage volunteering in the future.
Posted on August 7, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
There are a number of factors that cause the rise or fall of property value in any community.  Many homeowner association websites tend to wrongly attribute such changes in property values to factors that seem obvious at first glance but this has led to a variety of misconceptions.  The following are some common misconceptions about property values that have been brought to light.
The Effect of Assessments

Often, homeowners have an assumption that assessments can raise or lower property values.  In fact, some homeowner association websites fail to display high assessment scores for fear that it might turn away prospective buyers.  The truth is that assessments tend to factor in areas that are not necessarily linked to the value of the property.  Instead, homeowners associations should be focused on giving residents more value for their money and share information with them about the budget.

Another misconception is that the presence of renters in the community affects property values.  This has been advanced by lenders as they use that information when making decisions on loan applications.  HOA boards should think of renters as potential homeowners and treat them like full members of the community.  On occasion, renters decide to become homeowners and buy the home if they feel a sense of community.
Lack Of Uniform Design

Property values are affected by design standards, not by whether or not the houses are of a uniform architectural design.  All homeowners should adhere to baseline aesthetic standards but homeowners also expect small alterations to be allowed.  However, HOA’s must ensure that the aesthetic value of the property in the area remains high.
The value of any given property is affected by the aggregate value of the properties around it.  Homeowners associations maintain good property values by collecting an adequate maintenance fee and getting the community to participate.  The role of maintenance falls on the board, but homeowners can help improve property values by supporting their HOA board.
Posted on July 11, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations are in place to protect property values, look out for our welfare, and that of the community we live in.  Most associations send out communication through regular mail, email, or updates on the community website.  Many homeowners have busy lifestyles and become preoccupied with other tasks so it is easy to disregard important communication from the HOA board.  When you receive communication from your homeowners association, there are a few actions you should refrain from to avoid missing important messages.
Electronic Communication

The first step when it comes to electronic communication is to ensure emails from your homeowners association don’t go to the spam folder.  Your HOA may be sending emails instead of regular mail as a way to reduce costs and lower their carbon footprint.  Take the time to read emails because they could be relaying important messages regarding reminders about upcoming maintenance in the community, minutes of HOA meetings, or requesting your presence regarding an issue.
What Not To Do With Print Communication

Print communication from the homeowners association may come in the form of notices on bulletin boards, fliers, and newsletters.  A copy of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is also handed to you upon moving in.  Never ignore mail from the HOA board as it may be an urgent notice that requires your immediate attention.  Some notices might contain reminders about HOA fees or a new rule that you need to adhere to.
Ideally, it is best to read mail from the association before disposing of it or you might incur a fine by unknowingly failing to follow a new rule.  Visit the community website as often as possible to see if any updates have been posted that concern you.  As a homeowner, staying informed and adhering to the HOA guidelines is always a good idea!
Posted on June 16, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations offer many advantages to residents but the level at which you enjoying living there is usually determined by how active you are in the community.  There are also other aspects to consider that play a role in maximizing the experience you have such as the homeowners association website and interaction with neighbors.  What will ensure that you get the most out of living in a homeowners association?
Learn Through Meetings

HOA meetings are an excellent way to stay informed and make it possible for your voice to be heard whether you recently relocated or have lived in the community for years.  Particularly, the biggest advantage with attending a meeting is that you always know the latest about important matters.  During the annual meeting, major projects and the potential for an increase to the HOA fees are discussed in detail.
Typically, the meeting calendar is posted to the homeowners association website so frequently check there to know when the meetings will be held.  The next step towards an enjoyable living involves relaying issues to the manager or the person in charge.  Often, all it takes is explaining what the problem is so corrective action may be taken to remedy the situation.  What else can influence how much you enjoy living in a homeowners association?
Involvement In The Community

In an HOA, there are committees that deal with the different aspects of the association and volunteering for a committee is a great way to get involved.  Not only does it give you a sense of working together with neighbors to achieve a common goal but it also strengthens the community.  If the community thrives, it becomes a more enjoyable place to live so volunteer a little of your time and you just might find that you get more value out of it than expected.
Posted on May 31, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
The process of collecting HOA fees is a constant that homeowners can always expect when living in a homeowners association.  That fee covers the maintenance on amenities in the neighborhood and costly projects that require money to be set aside for in a reserve fund.  The amount is different in each homeowners association but you can expect to pay them monthly, quarterly, or annually.  However, the association is prohibited from certain acts should you not pay the HOA fees on time.  Have you checked your rights on the neighborhood website?
Fair & Equal Treatment

While it is policy to pay HOA fees, there is an act in place that protects homeowners called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA.  The FDCPA limits what the homeowners association is allowed as it prohibits any harassment of a member.  Unpaid HOA fees are considered a debt according to the act but it controls how collectors conduct themselves.

First, collectors must maintain a level of respect and not use any means of coercion to obtain the overdue fee from a homeowner.  Other actions prohibited under the act are threats of violence, harassing, repeated phone calls, and publishing their name on the neighborhood website.  All of which have little effect on the homeowner actually settling their balance when patience and understanding have a positive impact.  Additionally, the amount should never be exaggerated as the association could be sued.
Proper Collection Technique

Most homeowners know the right path for the association to collect HOA fees as they entered into that agreement when they purchased their home.  If that agreement is violated, then homeowners have a right for their fees to be settled legally and professionally.  Periodically, the HOA Board should allocate time to communicate what HOA fees are used for and emphasize how they improve the quality of life for all homeowners.
Posted on May 15, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Threatening thunderstorms accompanied with lightning are primarily an occurrence during the summer months.  The HOA website rarely has information about lightning as the risk of it causing a fatality is highly unlikely when the proper precautions are taken.

Last year, less than 40 fatalities occurred in the United States as a result of lightning but there a couple of key statistics that should get all homeowners attention.  Over the last 10 years, there has been an average of ten fatalities for the month of July while June has averaged seven.  How does this factor into your safety as a homeowner?
Lightning Safety Tips

June, July, and August are the months with the highest potential of encountering a thunderstorm with lightning.  Always take this into consideration anytime you have plans that will be happening outdoors.  The easiest way to do that is to use a weather app on your smartphone or frequently visit a weather website to know the latest forecast.
If severe thunderstorms are in the forecast, change your plans to another day or have a backup plan to move inside until weather conditions improve.  Hopefully you are at home when lightning strikes so you can unplug any electronics that are not being used.  When it comes to electronics, a surge protector helps reduce the risk for electrical damage, but the best form of prevention is to unplug those appliances or devices.
Stay Protected In Your Home

Lightning is known to transfer a strong current to electrical outlets when it strikes and the same thing can happen to the plumbing in your home.  When you hear lightning, exercise caution by postponing any action that requires the use of a faucet or shower and stay away from windows.  Visit the HOA website frequently so you remain aware of the best ways to protect yourself and your home when severe weather is in the area.
Posted on May 1, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations have rules for homeowners to comply with that is for the benefit of the community and to protect the value of homes.  Occasionally, some homeowners may break the rules unknowingly but they get informed through the homeowners association website and follow what is outlined in the rules.  However, there are a select few who violate the rules more frequently and it’s the responsibility of the HOA board to enforce the rules or make a modification.  What should a board member take into account before modifying the HOA rules?
Areas Of Importance
Board members that plan to modify or implement a new rule must do so according to the authority which is granted in the CC&R’s.  The process from one homeowners association to the next will likely differ from state to state.  Typically, the first step in changing an existing rule or creating a new rule is to submit it to members for a review.  They are given time to critique the proposal and offer their opinion about the changes to the HOA board.
An important element to any rule change is to explain the reason for it and the positive effect that you expect to follow.  After members respond, the board analyzes the proposed rule change and takes into consideration the insight offered by all the members.  Then, a vote is held where the HOA board determines if the rule change will be approved or not.
Find A Balance
Most homeowners associations strive to offer a community and a homeowners association website that residents are proud of.  At times, rule changes may be necessary to keep the association thriving while providing people the opportunity to enjoy where they live.  Anytime rule changes happen, board members should ensure they are consistent, reasonable, and equally enforced so homeowners always feel inspired to comply.
Posted on April 14, 2017 7:00 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations across the country strive to be greater every year so residents enjoy a higher standard of living while home values never depreciate.  In most cases, board members know there’s room for improvement but evaluating the performance each year helps identify which areas need attention.  Even the community website should be looked at and how it keeps residents up-to-date.  What should you consider when measuring the performance of your homeowners association?
Consistent Improvement Is Vital
Ask board members to grade each area but keep in mind the rules set forth by the governing documents.  Also, seek the participation of residents as they may offer valuable ideas when critiquing the homeowners association.  HOA board members have a duty to fulfill to the association that includes organizing meetings and producing financial reports.  How are those being conducted throughout the year?  Is the association operating within or under budget?
Typically, leadership is noticeable after a few meetings and seeing the guidance shown by HOA board members.  Are meetings carried out consistently and according to the agenda or do topics get discussed not on the agenda?  This is an area where board members must exercise discipline and follow what is outlined in the governing documents.
The community website is a popular place for homeowners to see the latest updates in the neighborhood.  Common areas in the community indicate how well the homeowners association is being maintained.  A healthy homeowners association takes necessary measures to maintain an adequate amount of reserve funds for the upkeep of common areas.
Address Your Weaknesses
If reserve funds are inadequate, projects may be postponed or the association could impose a special assessment.  Not only does this show poor performance of the homeowners association but it causes residents to question the decision-making of board members.  After an evaluation, get advice from a manager or specialist to ensure the homeowners association performs well in all areas.
Posted on March 30, 2017 7:00 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Spring is an anticipated time for most residents as winter makes it nearly impossible to enjoy some outdoor activities due to freezing temperatures.  Aside from enjoying outdoor activities, spring is also an ideal time to catch up on maintaining the outside of your home as warmer weather arrives.  Areas of the home could likely use a round of spring cleaning after the winter months.  The following tips are usually found on the homeowner association website as they ensure your home is ready for another year.
What Do Guests Notice First?
Certain areas of a home are more noticeable than others so factor that into your approach when you start.  For instance, the front porch and guest seating area may be where guests spend most of their time so focus on cleaning these areas well.  When cleaning, choose a cloudy day or start early to prevent surfaces such as windows and the garage door from getting heat soaked.
Remember, cooler surfaces are much easier to clean and windows will have fewer water spots if you dry them with a chamois after washing.  Often, using a rag or brush soaked in dish soap and a multi-purpose cleaner is adequate to clean most surfaces.  Afterwards, use a water hose to rinse the area and check for cleanliness.  If not, use a pressure washer on the area but refrain from holding the nozzle in one spot as it might cause damage.
All Residents Enjoy Fresh Air
Many HOA residents look forward to the spring season as they enjoy having guests over for a gathering or cookout.  The patio area is where a majority of guests will sit to experience the fresh air that spring brings.  Patio furniture should be wiped down using a warm, wet cloth after all cushions have been removed and vacuumed.  Last but not least, remove any cobwebs that formed over winter and don’t forget to keep the homeowner association website in mind for future tips.
Posted on March 15, 2017 7:00 PM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations without an HOA manager are led by board members that volunteer their time.  Usually, these members have a limited amount of free time to spend working for the association and information may not be updated on the neighborhood website.  There are several areas to analyze in a homeowners association to decide whether or not an HOA manager should be hired.  What should every homeowners association take into consideration before making that decision?
The Value Of A Manager
Board members generally know less about homeowners associations than a manager unless they have been involved on every decision for many years.  The value of most managers isn’t noticed until decisions need to be made about finances, unexpected projects, and setting aside money for the future.
Finances can make an influential impact on the homeowners association.  Managers are more likely to understand that as they have seen the result of financial decisions in the past and can guide board members.  With financial guidance, decisions are made to secure the funds for repairs during an unexpected project.
Some board members forget to account for that which could lead to a shortage in reserve funds.  Managers know which projects are likely to need additional funding and have a better understanding of how the reserve study needs to be updated.  Their assistance to the HOA board is highly valuable as it keeps the association running smoothly.
Two Additional Reasons
Homeowners associations have a duty to keep residents informed through newsletters or updating the neighborhood website.  If the association has a manager, communications improve since they make it a priority to post updates and notify members of upcoming board meetings.  Finally, the last reason to appoint a manager is to ensure that board members are trained properly.  Typically, this helps the association stay maintained as educated decisions are made and homeowners get to enjoy a quality lifestyle.
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